What to wear photo session


* Please note that this article is a preview from the more detailed ‘session information guide’ you will have access to upon booking a session.  For further information or to book a session please contact me via the contact page.


As a photographer I am often asked ‘what should I wear to my photo session?”  The following article is a preview from the more detailed ‘session information guide’ that is emailed to my clients upon booking a portrait session.

Photographing newborns and babies is all about purity.  I love to keep the look and feel of the photos light, airy, natural and soft - with the focus being on the baby.  So keeping this in mind one of the most important things to consider is what you will wear to your photo session.  Your clothing choices can easily make or break that treasured photograph!  I find that the softer, subtle tones are much more flattering for indoor portraits.

Neutrals, soft shades and mid tones

Simple, solid colour clothes, in neutral shades and mid tones always look good as they will emphasize the face and make them appear warmer and more pleasing in photographs.

Neutral doesn’t have to be boring - think soft pinks, faded blues, greys and oatmeal.  Just have a look at these gorgeous colour palettes below!


Keep it simple and timeless

Fashion fads come and go so keep your style understated and classic so your images don’t date.

Classic style staples are versatile pieces that can be layered, mixed, and matched in order to create an abundance of clean, timeless looks.

Remember – the number one thing to consider is comfort, if your clothes look and feel comfortable then YOU will look and feel great wearing them.

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The family photo

Compliment, not match.  You want to coordinate your outfits, however you don’t want to be all wearing the same colours and be too matchy-matchy.  So start with one outfit and then choose the others to compliment. For further inspiration have another look at the beautiful colour palettes combined at the start of this post.


For the newborn baby

Newborn outfits are not necessary for your little one’s first photo session. I prefer to photograph the baby in all their pureness, adding a simple knitted nappy cover, a delicate wrap or a little beanie/hat (all of these items are readily available to use at your photo session). However, if the baby has a special outfit or blanket from a grandparent for example then by all means please feel to bring it along.